Chartered Physiotherapy

Donnybrook Sports Medicine Blog

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Expect more from Physiotherapy!

People often come to physiotherapy, unsure of whether it will help or not!

Over the past ten years, working in multiple locations and situations, I have learned that there are a few things you should always expect from your physiotherapist, and not accept anything less. This might sound strange coming from a physio, but if your therapy sessions are not meeting a common goal - you need to ask why?

  1. Always establish a goal for treatment.
    Every interaction is unique, but if you are unclear on how your treatment will progress - always ask! Your goal might be to reduce your pain, regain function, or establish and maintain a science-based exercise program, but if you do not have a destination, you will not enjoy the journey!

  2. Don’t be afraid to ask why!
    If your physio has all of the answers - they might be bluffing! Physios are always glad to provide you with the resources you need, and they should always be happy to explain their reasoning! Experience has taught me to always discuss when things might need some time, or trial and error in finding a long-term, lasting solution.

  3. Try to enjoy the process of rehab and training.
    All too often, we talk about ‘no-pain, no-gain’ and forget that sometimes physio interventions take a lot of time and effort. If treatment plans and training programs do not fit in with your lifestyle in a way that encourages you and remains enjoyable - ask for alternatives!

Physiotherapy is a fantastic resource, enabling physical activity and transforming lives. At Donnybrook Sports Medicine, you will know that you are at the centre of your treatment plan and we will enjoy establishing and achieving your goals together!

Nathan Cardy
3 Essentials: Returning to Training

Good job! You are thinking about returning to training or increasing your physical activity - taking the first steps can be easy! While getting back to activity (walking / sports / physical work etc) can be intimidating, this short blog will summaries three essential tips that will help you to return to training with a simple plan.

  1. Progressive Training

  2. Warm Ups

  3. Recovery Hacks

We have all heard the phrase ‘you have to walk before you can run’, but how can we progress our training at the right pace? If starting out on a return to exercise, it is best to complete regular lower intensity training (for example 20-30 mins, every second day) throughout the first week. A good rule for progressing your training is to add about 20% to your overall training, week by week. Twenty minutes will become 45 minutes, within one month!

Start your exercise with a short warm up. This does not need to be complicated (and should not be focussed on stretching!). The best way to warm up your body, is to complete short sets of exercises, which use the muscles you are going to exercise. The target is joint movement, and increasing your heart rate (warming UP!). A great full body warm up is 3 sets of 10: squats on the spot / push ups (can be from knees) / lunges. Spend about five minutes getting through these and then progress with your exercise!

Recovery is key to feeling the benefits of exercise. There are a lot of useful gadgets and supplements that can help to add ‘the 2%’ - but don’t make the mistake of forgetting about the easy 80%. Our bodies need time to rest and repair after exercise, this happens through sleep, hydration, nutrition and load management. If you focus on planning your training load through the week; replacing lost fluids; eating nutrient rich foods and getting the sleep that your body needs, you will already cover the most important 80% of recovery strategies!

Watch this space for more detailed blogs on these topics.
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